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Trauma Therapy

Individual counselling and psychotherapy for :

What is Trauma?

When we think about trauma, we often think about single life-threatening incidents like assaults, car accidents, and natural disasters, to name a few. These experiences are often incredibly daunting. Our capacity to cope during and after the event may be impacted.

We may experience trauma when we assist trauma victims or witness trauma. Bystanders at an accident scene, health care workers, or emergency personnel may experience this.

Trauma can also occur in non-life-threatening situations that still leave us feeling unsafe, powerless, unworthy, invisible, or devalued. Some examples may include:

  • workplace or school bullying
  • being humiliated, criticized, laughed at, or shamed repeatedly
  • a pattern of your physical and emotional needs being disregarded by caregivers growing up 

How trauma affects you?

Logically, you know that the past is over, but your mind, body, and emotions seem to be reliving the events as if they were currently taking place.

You occasionally have nightmares, flashbacks, uncontrollable terror, or irrational anger. You struggle to be present in your life and find it challenging to focus.

Because of all the unease in your life, you find it difficult to enjoy the things that used to make you happy. You avoid certain places and situations in order to avoid being triggered. All you want is to be normal and free again.

It hurts to know that the trauma is still in you, and that it was torturous to go through it. You may at times feel broken and believe that you will never fully recover. You’re exhausted by it. You feel lost and alone.

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How can Transform PsyCare help?

At Transform PsyCare, I will help you work through traumatic and terrifying situations so that you can heal and move on from the past. 

You no longer have to experience isolation and overwhelm. I use evidence-based trauma therapies which go beyond talking to help you feel in control and confident again. 

These mind-body approaches allow you to regain your sense of peace. 

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