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Interpersonal Relationship Therapy

Individual counselling and psychotherapy for :

What is Interpersonal Relationship?

Interpersonal relationship can refer to romantic and familial bonds, but also to our relationship with friends, colleagues, and people we meet at social events. In general, how we interact with everyone we come into contact with depends on our interpersonal abilities. 

People who have positive interpersonal relationship are more likely to feel safe, confident and connected. They also experience less stress and are less likely to suffer from mental health conditions. Additionally, they might have a better chance of succeeding both personally and professionally.

People who struggle with interpersonal relationship often find it challenging to connect with and form bonds with others. Attachment bonds, trauma, or even just a complex relationship history – are all factors that could lead to having issues with relationship. Difficulties with interpersonal relationship can lead to depressive mood, anxiety, isolation, and other more serious mental health conditions.

How interpersonal relationship affects you?

You have difficulties with boundaries, saying  ‘no’  and are concerned about pleasing others.  You feel responsible for other people’s emotions.  Therefore, you are constantly watching other people’s moods and adjusting your mood to meet theirs in order to avoid conflict. 

Friends and coworkers may find you sensitive or unpredictable. You frequently disagree with others or find it difficult to express your true thoughts or feelings to them in a composed manner. You have difficulty making and/or keeping friends.

Because ending a relationship is painful, you realize that you stay in toxic relationships for far too long. You worry that people don’t like you or may leave you if they don’t respond to your calls or texts. 

You believe that “I am on my own”, fearing that others cannot or will not help and it is shameful of you to ask, so you have to figure it out on your own. You feel lonely, isolated, unsupported and disconnected from others.

You notice that you have a pattern of unhealth relationship dynamics. You believe that your early experience may have shaped the way you interact with others.

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How can Transform PsyCare help?

At Transform PsyCare, I will explore with you the root of your unhealthy relationship dynamics with others, as well as your relationship and behavioral patterns. 

We may need to work through the events which lead to your intense emotional reactions, negative beliefs about yourself and others. 

You learn to create and assert your personal boundaries that you give and receive. I help you gain communication skills that lead to nurturing healthy relationships. 

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