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Transform PsyCare FAQ

We can answer some of your questions right here

Frequently Asked Questions

In the following, “therapy” refers to both counselling and psychotherapy services. If you’re interested in learning more about how the two services vary, I have a blog article about it here.

Still have questions? Please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to answer them

How do I know if I need therapy?

Life has its ups and downs, and human experience includes feelings like sadness, fear, anger, and guilt. However, therapy may be beneficial for you if you find that these feelings persist for weeks or months without relief or if they are interfering with your work, relationships, or life in general.

Therapy can also be helpful for individuals who are managing but feel as though they are not functioning to their full potential or for those who desire to improve their self-awareness on why they think or behave the way that they do.

If you are unsure whether your current issue is suitable for therapy, I encourage you to reach out and we can discuss your particular situation.

How is therapy different from talking to my family and friends?

Therapist have specialized knowledge, skills and experience in helping you with your particular issues. The confidential and non-judgmental nature within the therapeutic relationship allows you to explore challenging issues in a safe environment, knowing that what we discuss won’t be shared with others, unless required by law.

Is the service confidential?

The information disclosed by you is secure and strictly confidential. However, under circumstances as described below, I’m mandated by law to break confidentiality:

  • There is concrete evidence of potential harm towards self or others.
  • The Court orders a release of information.
  • You are below 18 years of age, parents/guardians have the rights to access therapeutic information. (However, I do hope that parents/guardians understand the value of confidentiality in building and maintaining the strong therapeutic alliance that is essential to successful treatment.)

Your written authorization to the release of information is required for disclosure of information than those listed above. At your first session, I’ll go through the limits and exceptions to confidentiality with you and you are welcome to ask any questions that you may have.

I have never been to therapy. What can I expect in the first session?

The first session is for us to know each other, for me to find out a bit about your background, what has brought you to therapy, and what you hope to get out of therapy. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start. I’ll guide you by asking you some questions, feel free to answer what you feel comfortable with. Once I have a good sense of what your therapy goals are, we’ll focus on equipping you with the knowledge and tools that would be the most helpful for your situation.

How long do I expect to come to therapy?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Although it’s reasonable to say that more than one or two sessions are required to make any progress on the issues that initially brought someone in, some people find that a few sessions are adequate, while others decide to continue long-term (over 20 sessions). We can work together to support you in making the final decision.

Is the service affordable?

I can surely relate your concern, and managing money is difficult! Transform PsyCare is a private entity and does not receive funding from any source. Treatment at private entity is highly individualized, with shorter wait times, and options for regular and long term support.

You are not paying for my 60 mins session; rather, you are paying for my more than ten years of clinical experience, my specialized trainings, and the work I do for you outside the session. Your fees also help to maintain my clinical competence and cover business expenses. I would like to make this work for you, while also ensuring my practice can continue in a professional and sustainable way.

Similar to other services provided by qualified and trained professionals like lawyers, accountants and personal coaches or trainers, perhaps you may view it as an investment in your mental health.

Please click here to find out more about my fee at Transform PsyCare.

What if I can't afford your fee?

Please don’t let my fee discourage you from contacting me. I’ve found that most of the time I can work out an acceptable agreement with most people. For individuals who don’t live in Singapore and with limited access to mental health care, I’ll take into account of your local purchasing power when come out with a workable plan with you. Even when this isn’t the case, I’ve been able to recommend referral to agencies or therapists who may be able to accommodate your financial situation.

I am late for my session! What should I do?

Therapy needed our collaborative effort, with both of us accepting responsibility for keeping our appointments. In light of this, please kindly be on time for appointments. If you are running late for an appointment, only the remaining time of the session will be available (e.g. you arrive at 315pm for 3pm session, only 45 minutes will be available), but the full scheduled session will still be invoiced.

Can I send you an email or message in Mandarin?

Certainly! I read, write, and speak Mandarin. You can choose to browse the website in Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese from the bottom left corner. Google Translate will translate the website for you automatically. You will still grasp the main idea even if the translation isn’t perfect. Feel free to send me an email or text if you have any more questions so that I can explain further in Mandarin.

I am ready to start therapy at Transform PsyCare. What do I do next?

I understand that it’s never a comfortable decision, and I’m here to journey with you as you strive to transform. Schedule an appointment with me using the ‘Get Consult’ button at the top or bottom of this page, so that I can help you move forward.

Where your journey to transform begins

Take the first step to a calmer, healthier you. Get in touch with your psychological professional today.

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